Cheap TV Advertising

Tv Advertising costs

What is cheap when referring to TV Advertising costs?  You pay for what you get.  If you are looking for a large audience then the costs are all relative.

We have broken down the TV Advertising costs into media buying (Spot Ads on TV) to answer the question we are asked the most.  How much does it cost to advertise on TV?  If we are looking at a daytime campaign on the smaller digital channels we could be paying around £2 per cost per thousand.  The lower the viewing audience the lower the cost for that ad spot.  For example:  if there are 1100 viewers with a CPT of £1 then the cost for that ad is £1.10.

If you are wishing to reach larger audiences during the daytime then the cost could range upwards of £3 cost per thousand.  These stations can start off looking cheap, however, when you calculate the cost against an increased viewing potential the cost will increase per spot ad.  For example: if there are 500,000 viewers with a CPT of £3 then the cost for that spot ad is £1,500.

We can give you the reassurance that TV is a trusted platform and TV advertising delivers a return on average of £1.79 for every £1 invested in the first three months.  TV advertising can really change your brand’s perception and the opportunity to turn your sales around.

What’s next is your TV commercial, the costs varying significantly.  Whether you are looking for entry-level at £3000 or blockbuster movie style with top stars and famous soundtracks our team of specialist production houses will deliver on time.

James Martin Tv AdvertisingTv Advertising CostsTV Advertising Costs


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Karen Brar has been a media buyer for over 15 years, negotiating excellent rates for TV, radio and advertising production. She’s a people organiser who loves intelligent client development. Prior to this her family worked in retail growing their operation from 3 to 30 shops so Karen appreciates the operational coal face and brings uses this knowledge to help clients achieve business success.

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