Media Buying Insights

TV Advertising media planning and buying team

At Redwood we believe in order to help brands grow and be successful, we must first understand the audience our clients want to engage with.  Building your brand and connection to your target audience is what we do well.  We have the insights into audience behaviour and how they consume media which helps you influence engagement with your product or service.  Our media buying has long-standing relationships with the majority of media platforms.  We research, identify and negotiate the most competitive rates and in most cases exceed client expectations.  In terms of media, we offer added value wherever possible.  TV advertising is still the leading advertising format, where we can reach an audience uninvited in their homes.  We have an innate understanding of audiences and their habits of how they consume TV.  Using a combination of DRTV direct response TV, which remains one of the most common way brands advertise on TV.

By using all the various audience data before the campaign, we can identify who and where our target audiences are and then plan how we can reach them.  We can track and optimise TV campaigns in order to find out what works and what is not working by using TV tracking software that gives us insight into the performance of DRTV campaigns.  This software can help us identify trends, opportunities and channels that may be underperforming and what action we need to take to increase the campaign efficiency.

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Karen Brar has been a media buyer for over 15 years, negotiating excellent rates for TV, radio and advertising production. She’s a people organiser who loves intelligent client development. Prior to this her family worked in retail growing their operation from 3 to 30 shops so Karen appreciates the operational coal face and brings uses this knowledge to help clients achieve business success.

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