Uncover The Barriers to TV Advertising

TV Advertising Costs

What are the Barriers to TV Advertising?  In theory, there are no barriers, just a lack of information available to give brands the knowledge that TV advertising is right for them.

Redwood helps brands identify at what point they should consider investing in ad spend into generating awareness and brand building on TV.  We can scope out the potential challenges and provide advice on the right approach to advertising on both linear and VOD.

TV Advertising Methodology

The four main triggers that signal small businesses need to move into TV advertising.

Life beyond performance
Most small advertisers start their life within the world of online activation marketing – fishing from pools of customers who are already in the market for their products.  However, there comes a point when these pools stagnate and marketers must start to create demand as well as harvest it.

Scaling up
Once advertisers hit diminishing returns from activation channels (search/affiliate marketing / CRM) the time is right to test TV.  TV is the best means of reaching new customers and generating demand.

Brand ambition
To achieve this next level of growth, advertisers must build their brands, creating memorable advertising that gives their business salience and an elevated position in the market.

Belief in video
Video advertising offers both a strategic advantage (generating a whole new pool of potential customers) and an emotional benefit (through increased storytelling, explanation, and by heightening perceptions of quality).

Making the business case for TV

TV is often perceived to be inaccessible to smaller advertisers.  Many small advertisers believe it’s too risky, unaccountable, and too costly.  But the experience of advertisers who have been there and done it suggests that these perceptions are unfounded.

Effects are visible, tangible & quick
Effects are visible through analysis of web traffic and PPC (pay per click) performance will see big benefits when TV is used.

Advertisers need a new measurement framework for TV
Testing is essential to learn which variables do and don’t work and which attribution tools can help optimise performance.

TV is cheaper than originally thought
Production of creative can be achieved for £3-5k and campaigns that deliver the required cost per acquisition can be bought for tens of thousands, rather than hundreds of thousands, of pounds.

How to get TV right

Box clever
Use the flexibility of TV to achieve goals by harnessing certain times of day, channels, spot lengths, or even advanced data-driven solutions. Choose Redwood to work with, as they know the world of TV inside out.

Measure for brand effects, not just performance
TV drives future growth which needs to be assessed through brand tracking.

Engage the whole business
TV has a positive, palpable effect on staff, stores, and suppliers. PR the use of TV to motivate all stakeholders.

That leaves us with one question – “What are you waiting for?”

Source*  Work Research and Thinkbox

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Karen Brar has been a media buyer for over 15 years, negotiating excellent rates for TV, radio and advertising production. She’s a people organiser who loves intelligent client development. Prior to this her family worked in retail growing their operation from 3 to 30 shops so Karen appreciates the operational coal face and brings uses this knowledge to help clients achieve business success.

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